Windows Media Player 11 for Vista
Published on October 16, 2007 By Vad_M In Bug Reports
I already found what doesn't work in the DesktopX but I can't correct this problem.

The last version of Windows Media Player that I have used on Windows XP PRO SP2 was: 11.0.5721.5230.
But the number of version in the Vista Ultimate is: 11.0.6000.6344.

The ActiveX Control of this player doesn't supported in the DesktopX. So any of "Sub(s)" like:
Sub Control_OpenStateChange(NewState),
Sub Control_PlayStateChange(NewState),
Sub Control_MouseDown(nButton, nShiftState, fX, fY),
Sub Control_PlaylistChange(Playlist,change),
Sub Control_CurrentItemChange(Item),
Sub Control_MediaChange(Item), etc...
doesn't work on Vista.

Please help me to solve this problem or show me the way how I must correct this by myself because I can't work with DesktopX anymore!

on Oct 16, 2007
One more small bug in the DesktopX Script Editor:
I can't change font type and font size. The Script Editor doesn't save any of my changes after its restart...
on Oct 16, 2007

In regards to the built-in WMP activex control, that may need some adjusting. I will let the developers know. I have personally only used this:

One more small bug in the DesktopX Script Editor:
I can't change font type and font size. The Script Editor doesn't save any of my changes after its restart...

Yep, that is still a problem. I will mention something about this as well.


[Stardock Support]

on Oct 16, 2007
Thank you Mike!

I already studied Windows Media Player 11 SDK long ago. This really helped me to create my own media player. But how I can use these knowledges if DesktopX doesn't allow me to do this? So I must stop this project and wait while Stardock developers will solve this problem.

Honestly, I'm very sad... The time that we can spend for our hobbies is so shortly!   

Best Regards,